02236842-a 'having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities';
Czech hladký
Chinese (simplified) 光滑+的 , 光滑 , 平滑 , 平滑+的 , 润滑 , 顺滑 , 平坦+的 , 平整 , 平整+的 , 平坦
English smooth 11 ( )
Indonesian lembut , lecok , tenang , rata , licin , halus , lelas , lincir
Italian liscio , mellifluo
Japanese 平らか , 平たい , 肌理細か , なめらか , 肌理細 , フラット , 坦坦たる , 滑やか , 坦々たる , 滑こい , 平滑 , 潤滑 , 平ら , なだらか , 滑っこい , 木目細 , 滑滑 , 滑らか , 滑々 , 滑か , すべすべ , 木目細か
Malaysian lembut , lecok , tenang , rata , licin , halus , lelas , lincir
having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities
smooth skin; a smooth tabletop; smooth fabric; a smooth road; water as smooth as a mirror
スベスベした肌; 滑らかなテーブルの上面; 滑らかな織物; 平坦な道; 鏡と同じぐらい静かな水面
See also: even fine slippery ironed
Similar to: glassy seamless fine-textured velvet streamlined fast even-textured creaseless
Antonym: rough
Semantic Field: alla
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>