00379440-v 'burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color'; V2; 
Czech zakouřit
Chinese (simplified) 烧焦 , 烧灸 表面 , 灼伤 , 烧黑 , 烧灸表面
Inggeris sear , scorch ( ) , blacken , char
Bahasa Indonesia terbakar , menyebabkan terbakar , hangus , menghanguskan , cengkut
Italian bruciacchiare , fiammeggiare , strinare
Japanese 焼け焦がす , 焼焦がす , 焦がす , 焼けこがす , 焼焦す , 焼け焦す
Bahasa Malaysia terbakar , menyebabkan terbakar , hangus , menghanguskan , cengkut
burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color
The cook blackened the chicken breast; The fire charred the ceiling above the mantelpiece; the flames scorched the ceiling
色を変えるためにわずかにかつ表面上を焼く (takkur)
コックは、鳥ムネ肉を焦がした; 炎は暖炉の上の天井を焦がして炭にした; 炎は天井を焦がした
Hyponym: singe
Hypernym: burn
Domain–Category: cooking
Semantic Field: changev
Verb Frames
Somebody ----s something;   Something ----s something;  
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>