Results for « terakhir » (ind)
04412901-n (3)
terminal, perhentian penghabisan, perhentian, pangkalan, terminus, stesen, pelabuhan, stesen bas, terakhir
terminal, depot, terminus, depôt
     station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods
01264667-n (1)
     a person's dying act; the final thing a person can do
13850148-n (1)
     the last or lowest in an ordering or series
01010271-a (59)
akhir, penghabisan, tamat, penghujung, terakhir
final, last, concluding, terminal
     occurring at or forming an end or termination
01579128-a (24)
muktamad, yg bongsu, terbaru, yang bongsu, yang akhir, akhir, yg akhir, terakhir
final, last, net
     conclusive in a process or progression
01013961-a (5)
penghabisan, terakhir
     being the last or concluding element of a series
00349894-a (3)
muktamad, akhir, terakhir
final, last
     not to be altered or undone
00201354-a (2)
ke belakang, udik, terakhir
     directed or facing toward the back or rear
01578312-a (18)
sebesar-besarnya, terakhir
     furthest or highest in degree or order; utmost or extreme
01730444-a (12)
baru-baru ini, terakhir, baharu
recent, late
     of the immediate past or just previous to the present time
01013279-a (45)
akhir, penghabisan, corot, terakhir
     coming after all others in time or space or degree or being the only one remaining


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