Results for « penting » (ind)
05169037-n (1)
     importance or value
10276238-n (3)
membanggakan, yang termasyhur, yg termasyhur, tokoh, penting, terkemuka, yang terkemuka, pembesar, yg terkemuka, guiding light
luminary, guiding light, notable, leading light, notability
     a celebrity who is an inspiration to others
01580050-a (81)
penting, mesti, wajib, mustahak, keperluan, perlu
     absolutely essential
vital, life-sustaining
     performing an essential function in the living body
00655779-a (8)
penting, krusial
crucial, important
     of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis
00903894-a (9)
kritikal, penting, genting, mustahak, yg utama, yang utama, kritis, gawat
vital, critical
     urgently needed; absolutely necessary
05168261-n (50)
penting, kepentingan, mustahak, kemustahakan
     the quality of being important and worthy of note
05171800-n (1)
memerlukan tindakan segera, penting
     pressing importance requiring speedy action
02645839-v (29)
V1, VX
penting, berat, menimbang
matter, count, weigh
     have weight; have import, carry weight
05169507-n (2)
kemuliaan, kemasyhuran, penting
     relative importance or fame
penting, besar, serius, teruk, berat, parah
heavy, grave, grievous, weighty
     of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought
00947857-v (3)
membilang, penting, mengira, menghitung
     name or recite the numbers in ascending order
02165655-a (3)
penting, signifikan
     [in statistics] too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation
01276150-a (10)
penting, perlu
essential, all-important, crucial, all important, of the essence
     of the greatest importance
01471538-a (25)
penting, yang agak besar, yg agak besar, utama
     greater in scope or effect
01277097-a (32)
di tengah-tengah, pusat, penting, terutama, pokok, asas, dasar, utama
central, fundamental, key, cardinal, primal
     serving as an essential component
eventful, consequential
     having important issues or results
00900616-a (15)
penting, pokok, asas, perlu, utama
     basic and fundamental
05170574-n (4)
penting, kepentingan, akibat
consequence, moment, import
     having important effects or influence
00580805-a (19)
nyata, ketara, penting, terkemuka, sungguh besar, sungguh luar biasa, menonjol
prominent, outstanding, salient, spectacular, striking
     having a quality that thrusts itself into attention
05794057-n (4)
anak kunci, penunjuk, kunci, penting, petunjuk, punca, mata
     something crucial for explaining
01348528-a (12)
penting, perlu
inherent, integral, built-in, constitutional, inbuilt
     existing as an essential constituent or characteristic
penting, utama
polar, pivotal
     being of crucial importance
01278818-a (38)
great, outstanding
     of major significance or importance
memerlukan tindakan segera, penting, urgensi
     an urgent situation calling for prompt action
anak kunci, sepana, kunci, penting, punca, mata
key, winder
     mechanical device used to wind another device that is driven by a spring (as a clock)
anak kunci, Francis Scott Key, Key, kunci, penting, ki, punca, mata
Key, Francis Scott Key
     United States lawyer and poet who wrote a poem after witnessing the British attack on Baltimore during the War of 1812; the poem was later set to music and entitled `The Star-Spangled Banner' (1779-1843)
00634586-n (6)
pembilangan, membilang, penting, penghitungan, mengira, pencacahan, menghitung, kira, bilangan, penghitungan n, kiraan
count, counting, tally, numeration, enumeration, reckoning
     the act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order
penting, esensial, perlu
     being or relating to or containing the essence of a plant etc
01580306-a (18)
penting, perlu
essential, indispensable
     absolutely necessary; vitally necessary
00713558-a (9)
penting, yg mendesak, darurat, yang penting, yang mendesak, yg penting
urgent, pressing
     compelling immediate action
02161432-a (22)
nyata, ketara, penting, bermakna, signifikan, agak penting, mustahak, bererti, berpengaruh
significant, important
     important in effect or meaning
14433587-n (3)
kemuliaan, kemasyhuran, penting, keadaan menjadi terkemuka, keutamaan
     the state of being prominent: widely known or eminent
02161982-a (1)
penting, besar
     of very great significance
14451020-n (2)
memerlukan tindakan segera, penting, hal yang urgen, keadaan menjadi urgen, urgensi
     the state of being urgent; an earnest and insistent necessity
00624026-a (32)
cukup banyak, banyak, penting, besar, ramai, tebal semangat
     large or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree
01275562-a (146)
penting, mustahak
important, of import
     of great significance or value
00712419-a (2)
penting, mustahak, imperatif, perlu, penting sekali
     requiring attention or action
14434681-n (4)
penting, kepentingan, mustahak, hal yg menarik, hal yang menarik, pentingnya
importance, grandness
     a prominent status
05169813-n (21)
penting, kepentingan, mustahak, kesan, kekuatan
     the quality of being significant


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