Results for « pembesar » (ind)
10748620-n (1)
tetamu agung, orang kenamaan, pembesar, VIP
dignitary, very important person, VIP, high-up, panjandrum, high muckamuck
     an important or influential (and often overbearing) person
08164585-n (18)
pertubuhan, pembesar, pentadbiran
organization, establishment, administration, brass, organisation, governance, governing body
     the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something
10276238-n (3)
membanggakan, yang termasyhur, yg termasyhur, tokoh, penting, terkemuka, yang terkemuka, pembesar, yg terkemuka, guiding light
luminary, guiding light, notable, leading light, notability
     a celebrity who is an inspiration to others


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