Results for « para » (ind)
03686130-n (3)
pagu, loteng, para, peran
attic, loft, garret
     floor consisting of open space at the top of a house just below roof; often used for storage
06399995-n (5)
para, perenggan, paragraf
     one of several distinct subdivisions of a text intended to separate ideas; the beginning is usually marked by a new indented line
St. Mary of Bethlehem, Santa Maria de Belem, Feliz Lusitania, Para, Belem
Belem, Para, Feliz Lusitania, Santa Maria de Belem, St. Mary of Bethlehem
     port city in northern Brazil in the Amazon delta; main port and commercial center for the Amazon River basin
paritas, para
parity, para
     [in obstetrics] the number of liveborn children a woman has delivered
Para rubber tree, caoutchouc tree, Hevea brasiliensis
     deciduous tree of the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers having leathery leaves and fragrant yellow-white flowers; deciduous tree of the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers having leathery leaves and fragrant yellow-white flowers; it yields a milky juice that is the chief source of commercial rubber ❲Hevea brasiliensis❳


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