Results for « namun » (ind)
namun, masih
yet, so far
     used after a superlative
00048138-r (58)
akhirnya, belakangan, namun, alhasil, masih
finally, eventually
     after an unspecified period of time or an especially long delay
00017639-r (38)
sehingga ini, kini, namun, dulu, belum lagi, masih, sekarang ini, hingga kini, tetap
still, even, yet
     to a greater degree or extent
00028797-r (20)
     by contrast; on the other hand
00027918-r (42)
namun, masih, hingga kini
yet, as yet, so far, heretofore, thus far, up to now, hitherto, til now, until now
     used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time
00027384-r (270)
namun, cara, bagaimana, bagaimanapun, masih, walaupun, sementara, macam mana, tetap, walaupun demikian, kiranya, bagaimanakah
however, still, nevertheless, even so, nonetheless, withal, all the same, notwithstanding, yet, but, for all, in spite of, what though, none the less, in the face of
     despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession)
00027795-r (22)
namun, masih
     up to the present time


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