Results for « hari » (ind)
Clarence Shepard Day Jr., pagi hari, tengah hari, petang hari, hari, waktu siang, Clarence Day, siang hari, Hari, Day
Day, Clarence Day, Clarence Shepard Day Jr.
     United States writer best known for his autobiographical works (1874-1935)
15249236-n (7)
periode, pagi hari, tengah hari, petang hari, hari, waktu siang, siang hari
     an era of existence or influence
15157225-n (54)
pagi hari, tengah hari, petang hari, hari, waktu siang, siang hari
     a day assigned to a particular purpose or observance
pagi hari, tengah hari, petang hari, hari, waktu siang, siang hari
     the period of time taken by a particular planet (e.g. Mars) to make a complete rotation on its axis
pagi hari, tengah hari, hari siderial, petang hari, hari, waktu siang, jam bintang, siang hari
day, sidereal day
     the time for one complete rotation of the earth relative to a particular star, about 4 minutes shorter than a mean solar day
15123115-n (70)
pagi hari, tengah hari, petang hari, hari itu, hari, waktu siang, siang hari
     a point or period in time
15164957-n (42)
siang hari,cerah, pagi hari, tengah hari, petang hari, hari itu, hari, subuh, waktu siang, siang hari, cerah, hari ini, siang
day, daylight, daytime
     the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside
haribulan, tarikh, hari, zaman
     the particular day, month, or year (usually according to the Gregorian calendar) that an event occurred
pagi hari, tengah hari, petang hari, hari, waktu siang, suatu periode kesempatan, siang hari
     a period of opportunity
15136453-n (11)
sehari, pagi hari, tengah hari, petang hari, hari, waktu siang, sepanjang hari, siang hari
     the recurring hours when you are not sleeping (especially those when you are working)
15159583-n (23)
haribulan, tanggal, tarikh, hari bulan, hari
date, day of the month
     the specified day of the month
15156187-n (16)
kemarin, hari, semalam, kelmarin
     the day immediately before today
15155220-n (172)
day, twenty-four hours, twenty-four hour period, 24-hour interval, solar day, mean solar day
     time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis


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