02374451-n 'solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times ❲Equus caballus❳ (rewrite_defs.py)';
Czech kůň
Chinese (simplified)
Inggeris horse 103 ( ) , Equus caballus
Bahasa Indonesia kuda
Italian cavallo , Equus caballus
Japanese , 雄馬 , 牡馬 , 馬匹 , ウマ
Bahasa Malaysia kuda
quadrupede domestico di grossa taglia, con lunghi arti terminanti in uno solo dito protetto da uno spesso zoccolo, testa allungata, criniera e folta coda, largamente diffuso, allevato per vari scopi
tutte le volte che ho montato un cavallo ho rischiato la vita
solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times ❲Equus caballus❳ (rewrite_defs.py)
Hyponym: hack stalking-horse saddle_horse pacer steeplechaser gee-gee post_horse hack palomino stablemate pony eohippus harness_horse chestnut workhorse pony stepper male_horse pinto sorrel wild_horse bay liver_chestnut roan mare mesohippus racehorse polo_pony protohippus
Hypernym: equine
Meronym–Member: foal
Meronym–Part: encolure horse's_foot horseback withers horsemeat gaskin poll
Holonym–Member: equus
Semantic Field: animaln
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