Results for « penganiayaan » (ind)
kesyahidan, penderitaan, penganiayaan
calvary, martyrdom
     any experience that causes intense suffering
07495327-n (2)
derita, luka hati, sengsara, kesyahidan, seksaan, penderitaan, kesakitan, penganiayaan
suffering, hurt
     feelings of mental or physical pain
kesedihan, penindasan, opresi, kemurungan, penganiayaan
     the state of being kept down by unjust use of force or authority:
00419908-n (1)
siksa, ketidakadilan, penyalahgunaan, layanan buruk, dera, menganiaya, penderaan, salahguna, penganiayaan
abuse, maltreatment, ill-treatment, ill-usage
     cruel or inhumane treatment
teratu, siksa, penyeksaan, penyiksaan, beri seksaan, deraan, dera, seksa, menyengsarakan, menganiaya, penganiayaan, menyeksa
torture, torturing
     the deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason
05037813-n (9)
kemarahan yang amat sangat, kemarahan yg meledak, keberangan, kuatnya, keganasan, kemarahan yg amat sangat, keradangan, kebuasan, kemarahan yang meledak, kuat, kekerasan, keterlaluan, paksaan, kencang, kehebatan, penganiayaan, keadaan sso yg mengamuk
violence, fury, wildness, ferocity, fierceness, vehemence, furiousness
     the property of being wild or turbulent
00424599-n (4)
kezaliman, kekejaman, penganiayaan
cruelty, inhuman treatment
     a cruel act; a deliberate infliction of pain and suffering
00420477-n (3)
penyeksaan, penindasan, penganiayaan
     [in religion] the act of persecuting (especially on the basis of race or religion)
14333433-n (1)
penyeksaan, seksa, azab, siksaan, penganiayaan
torment, torture
     unbearable physical pain
00421047-n (1)
penindasan, penganiayaan
oppression, subjugation
     the act of subjugating by cruelty
07495551-n (6)
penderitaan, keazaban, seksa, menyengsarakan, azab, penganiayaan, teraniaya
agony, torment, torture
     intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain
07496755-n (6)
derita, penyeksaan, penderitaan, kerisauan, seksa, azab, sakit, kesengsaraan, siksaan, penganiayaan
anguish, torture, torment
     extreme mental distress


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