Results for « paderi » (ind)
09754404-n (2)
kepala biarawan, abbas, pendeta, ketua biara, paderi
abbot, archimandrite
     the superior of an abbey of monks
02899486-a (3)
para ahli gereja, paderi, gerejawi
ecclesiastical, ecclesiastic
     of or associated with a church (especially a Christian Church)
09927451-n (14)
clergyman, reverend, man of the cloth
     a member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church
02697911-a (1)
berhubungan dengan ulama, paderi
     of or relating to the clergy
09983572-n (21)
pastor, pendeta, rektor, paderi
minister, pastor, parson, curate, minister of religion, rector
     a person authorized to conduct religious worship
dominus, dominie, domine, dominee
     a clergyman; especially a settled minister or parson
10470779-n (10)
rahib, paderi
     a clergyman in Christian churches who has the authority to perform or administer various religious rites; one of the Holy Orders
10471250-n (5)
pastor, pendeta, sami, paderi
priest, non-Christian priest
     a person who performs religious duties and ceremonies in a non-Christian religion
pendeta, paderi, pendita
     a clergyman ministering to some institution
09954355-n (1)
paderi yg menerima pengakuan, paderi
     a priest who hears confession and gives absolution
09928136-n (2)
ahli teologi, para ahli gereja, paderi
cleric, churchman, divine, ecclesiastic
     a clergyman or other person in religious orders
08152787-n (2)
paderi, rohaniwan, pendita
     in Christianity, clergymen collectively (as distinguished from the laity)


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