Results for « nama-baik » (ind)
14438693-n (1)
bereputasi, reputasi bagus, nama baik, reputasi yang baik, budi pekerti, karakter
     good repute
04869106-n (3)
harga diri, penghargaan, penghormatan, nama baik, kehormatan
honor, honour
     the quality of being honorable and having a good name
14438125-n (6)
reputasi, nama baik, bernama baik
reputation, repute
     the state of being held in high esteem and honor
14438788-n (6)
reputasi, reputasi seseorang, nama-baik, nama
     a person's reputation
13332820-n (1)
nama baik
good will, goodwill
     [in accounting] an intangible asset valued according to the advantage or reputation a business has acquired (over and above its tangible assets)
reputasi, nama baik, bernama baik
reputation, report
     the general estimation that the public has for a person


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