14285662-n 'any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.';
Czech úhona , úraz
Chinese (simplified) 外伤 , 创伤 , 伤害 , 负伤 , 损伤 , 刺痛 , 损害 , 伤痛 , , 伤势 , , 受伤
English injury 13 ( ) , hurt 6 ( ) , harm 5 , trauma ( )
Indonesian trauma , kecelakaan , luka , kecederaan , cedera , sakit , dan lain lain.
Italian trauma , ferita , lesione , male , danno
Japanese 外傷 , けが , 私傷 , 手きず , 手傷 , 手創 , , 負傷 , 怪我 , 傷痍 , 手疵
Malaysian trauma , terjejasnya , luka , cedera , sakit , dan lain lain.
any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
the condition of an injury (violaow)
Hyponym: strain penetrating_trauma blunt_trauma wound bruise rupture frostbite intravasation bleeding wrench wale whiplash dislocation sting birth_trauma burn brain_damage fracture bump blast_trauma pinch electric_shock serious injurry self_injury fatal_injury
Hypernym: ill_health
Semantic Field: staten
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>