13104059-n 'a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown';
Czech strom
Chinese (simplified) 乔木 , , 绿树 , 树木
English tree 107 ( )
Indonesian pokok , pohon
Italian albore , albero , arbore
Japanese ツリー , 樹木 , 天然木 , , 高木 , 成木 ,
Malaysian pokok , pohon
ogni pianta perenne con fusto legnoso (tronco) ramificato
a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown
includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms
Hyponym: calaba australian_nettle caracolito brazilwood pandanus bayberry bitterwood_tree mayeng shaving-brush_tree lanseh_tree silver_tree gliricidia peruvian_balsam angiospermous_tree guama opepe alder mescal_bean soapberry kentucky_coffee_tree black_mangrove chinese_parasol_tree gutta-percha_tree dhak brazilian_ironwood nakedwood cassia puka oak_chestnut satinwood chinaberry giant_chinkapin plane_tree laurelwood dita shingle_tree fringe_tree chaulmoogra hazel breakax lemonwood wild_medlar incense_tree inga nitta_tree willow hydnocarpus_laurifolia marmalade_tree dhawa marblewood lancewood white_mangrove cocobolo bonsai sapling timber_tree neem albizzia african_walnut birch prickly_ash rose_chestnut cork_tree shade_tree msasa ash keurboom aroeira_blanca southern_beech christmas_bush spanish_tamarind brazilian_pepper_tree idesia clusia gymnospermous_tree tipu coffee bean_tree button_tree gutta-percha_tree obeche bonduc mahogany tree_of_knowledge casuarina turreae ivory_tree kingwood linden yellowwood camwood quira tulipwood_tree acacia snag red_sandalwood indian_beech elm calabash jamaica_dogwood beech hornbeam bottle-tree aalii keurboom fever_tree granadilla_tree fig_tree zebrawood red_silk-cotton_tree treelet tanbark_oak pollard angelim bloodwood_tree rosewood kino palm lacebark millettia silver_tree wild_fig sissoo pepper_tree oak devilwood winter's_bark lead_tree anise_tree princewood cabbage_tree wild_tamarind hop_hornbeam pepper_tree wheel_tree jamaican_cherry gum_tree teak kowhai arbor dipterocarp hackberry dagame ice-cream_bean quandong carib_wood padauk burma_padauk chestnut cockspur prickly_ash cinchona maria palo_verde conacaste ketembilla trifoliate_orange scarlet_wisteria_tree quandong locust_tree ebony blackwood guinea_pepper necklace_tree coralwood coral_tree balata tolu_tree scrub_beefwood lepidobotrys silver_ash manila_tamarind poon souari ribbon_tree montezuma white_mangrove divi-divi sandalwood_tree japanese_pagoda_tree Pangium edule
Hypernym: woody_plant
Meronym–Substance: heartwood sapwood
Meronym–Part: burl crown stump trunk limb
Holonym–Member: forest
Semantic Field: plantn
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