09278537-n 'a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other';
Czech tektonický zlom
Chinese (simplified) 地质 断层 , 断层 , 豁口 , 断口 , 裂缝 , 破碎 , 折断 , 地质断层 , 打破
English break 1 ( ) , fault , shift , fracture ( ) , faulting , geological fault
Indonesian kecacatan , sesar , kecelaan , pecah , perubahan keretakan , retakan
Italian paraclasi , faglia , frattura , crepa , fessura
Japanese フォールト , 断層 , 地質断層 , フォルト
Malaysian kecacatan , gelinciran , sesar , kecelaan , pecah , retakan
a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other
they built it right over a geological fault; he studied the faulting of the earth's crust
彼らは、地質学的誤りについて正確なものを構築した; 彼は、地殻の断層作用を研究した
Hyponym: inclined_fault strike-slip_fault active_fault
Hypernym: crack
Instance: san_andreas_fault denali_fault
Meronym–Part: fault_line
Domain–Category: geology
Semantic Field: objectn
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