07974025-n 'people having the same social, economic, or educational status';
Czech třída , vrstva , společenská třída
Chinese (simplified) 社会阶级 , 同 一 阶层 的 人 , 社会 阶级 , 同一阶层的人
English class 6 ( ) , social class 5 , stratum , socio-economic class
Indonesian kelas sosial , lapisan
Italian strato , sfera , classe , classe sociale , stato , ceto , estrazione , condizione-sociale
Japanese 階級 , 階層 , 社会階級 , クラス , 社会階級が同じ人々 , 社会経済的階級 , 界層 ,
Malaysian lapisan
people having the same social, economic, or educational status
the working class; an emerging professional class
労働者階級; 新たに生まれた知的職業階級
fascia di popolazione contraddistinta da una medesima condizione economica e sociale e da interessi comuni
classe media; classe lavoratrice
Hyponym: agriculture womanhood demimonde center caste age_class world yeomanry brotherhood ninja old_school estate_of_the_realm caste commonalty lower_class upper_class craft immigrant_class market peasantry underworld labor booboisie firing_line middle_class
Hypernym: people
Holonym–Member: class_structure
Holonym–Part: society
Semantic Field: groupn
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