06828818-n 'the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech';
Czech písmeno , litera , abecední znak
Chinese (simplified) 文字 , 文字字符 , 文字字元 , 字母 , 文字 字符 , 文字 字元
English letter 7 ( ) , alphabetic character 1 , letter of the alphabet
Indonesian abjad , aksara , huruf
Italian lettera , carattere alfabetico , carattere
Japanese レター , 文字 , 字母 , アルファベット , 英字 , , アルファベットの文字
Malaysian abjad , huruf
the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech
his grandmother taught him his letters
ciascuno dei segni con cui si rappresentano i suoni di un alfabeto (basato su lettere)
caratteri greci; caratteri latini; caratteri arabi
Hyponym: j digraph rho s b mem block_letter q shin aleph i eta xi he daleth o a phi pe m sadhe vowel pi tau k z sin waw e samekh d gimel qoph taw chi lamedh beta y gamma alpha h zayin polyphone kaph descender initial x ascender v g lambda psi resh upsilon t mu omicron teth r nu beth theta consonant omega heth p iota f c ayin yodh n w kappa zeta l nun epsilon u sigma delta
Hypernym: character
Holonym–Member: alphabet
Holonym–Part: spelling
Semantic Field: communicationn
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More detail about the NTUMC+ Open Multilingual Wordnet (0.9)
This project is now integrated in the Extended Open Multilingual Wordnet (0.9)
Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>