02069355-a 'not the same one or ones already mentioned or implied';
Czech jiný
Chinese (simplified) 其他 , 其它 , 另外+的 , , 其他+的 , 另外 , 别的 , 其余 , 其余+的
English other 483 ( )
Indonesian selain , lain , lain-lain
Italian nuovo , altro , ulteriore
Japanese , 他し , 他の , 外の , ほかの
Malaysian selain , lain , lain-lain
not the same one or ones already mentioned or implied
quantifier, other
today isn't any other day- the White Queen; went in the other direction; the construction of highways and other public works; he asked for other employment; any other person would tell the truth; his other books are still in storage
今日は他のどの日でもない−ホワイト女王;他の方向に行った; ハイウェイと他の公共事業の建設; 彼は、他の仕事を求めた; 他の人であれば真実を述べるであろう; 彼の他の本は、まだ保管されている
See also: separate
Attributes: otherness
Similar to: new different opposite another different otherwise opposite opposite else
Domain–Usage: quantifier
Antonym: same
Quantifies 77000001-n 77000040-n 他人 77000085-n etcetera
Semantic Field: alla
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>