01795428-v 'get very angry and fly into a rage'; V1; 
Chinese (simplified) 大发 雷庭 , 大 发脾气 , 大 发 雷霆 , 勃然大怒 , 发脾气 , 大发脾气 , 大发雷霆 , 生气 , 大发雷庭
English blow up ( ) , combust , flip one's lid , throw a fit , hit the roof , hit the ceiling , have kittens , have a fit , blow one's stack , fly off the handle , flip one's wig , lose one's temper , blow a fuse , go ballistic
Indonesian memarahkan , meletos , membuat sangat marah , membuncitkan
Japanese 爆発+する , いきり立つ , 爆発 , 熱り立つ , 逆上+する , 逆上 , 熱りたつ
Malaysian memarahkan
学生が非常に基本的な問題の答えを知らなかったときに、怒った教授; 私はスパムに激怒する
get very angry and fly into a rage
The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question; Spam makes me go ballistic
See also: forget oneself
Hypernym: rage
Semantic Field: emotionv
Verb Frames
Somebody ----s;   Somebody ----s PP;  
External Links


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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>