01361863-a 'experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness';
Czech vážný
Chinese (simplified) 悲哀+的 , 悲痛 , 悲伤 , 不愉快 , 难过 , 悲伤+的 , 伤心+的 , 不愉快+的 , 忧伤 , 忧愁+的 , 悲哀 , 忧伤+的 , 哀伤+的 , 悲痛+的 , 难过+的 , 伤心 , 哀伤 , 忧愁
English sad 9 ( )
Indonesian murung , sedu , menyedihkan , berduka hati , bersedih hati , kemasyanghulan , dukacita , nestapa , sugul , bersendu , masyangul , bersayu-sayu , walang hati , sendu , remuk hati , kemasyghulan , bengok , kuyu , muram , ripuh , berdukacita , gobar , masgul , benguk , gelabah , galabah , pilu , lara , sangsai , sedih , bersedih , gelebah , sedu hati , gundah , terista , sedih hati , gobar hadi , sungkawa , berhati pilu , galaba
Italian mesto , malinconico , mortificato , triste
Japanese 悲痛 , 哀れ気 , 悲しい , 悲しげ , うら悲しげ , もの悲しい , うら悲しい , 物哀しい , 哀しい , 哀しげ , 沈痛 , 物悲しい , 心悲しげ , 心悲しい , もの哀しい
Malaysian murung , sedu , lara , menyedihkan , berduka hati , bersedih hati , kemasyanghulan , nestapa , sugul , bersendu , bersayu-sayu , walang hati , sedih , sendu , remuk hati , kemasyghulan , kuyu , muram , berdukacita , gobar , gelabah , pilu , bersedih , gelebah , sedu hati , gundah , terista , sedih hati , dukacita , sungkawa , berhati pilu , galaba
彼の犬が死んだので、悲しい; あなたがつらいことを思い出し悲しくなるよりは、/あなたが忘れて、笑うほうが良い−クリスティーナ・ロゼッティ
experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness
feeling sad because his dog had died; Better by far that you should forget and smile / Than that you should remember and be sad- Christina Rossetti
Similar to: bittersweet pensive doleful tragic heavyhearted tragicomic melancholy
Antonym: glad
Semantic Field: alla
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>