00718924-a 'based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice';
Chinese (simplified) 专制 , 随意+的 , 随意 , 专制+的 , 任意+的 , 任意 , 专横 , 独断 , 霸道 , 霸道+的 , 专横+的 , 独断+的
English arbitrary 8 ( )
Indonesian rambang , tanpa pertimbangan , sesuka hati , sewenang-wenang , kahar , sembarangan
Italian arbitrario , sforzato , distorto , capriccioso , arbitraria
Japanese 勝手気侭 , 勝手 , 任意
Malaysian rambang , tanpa pertimbangan , sesuka hati , sewenang-wenang , kahar , arbitrari , sembarangan
based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice
an arbitrary decision; the arbitrary rule of a dictator; an arbitrary penalty; of arbitrary size and shape; an arbitrary choice
専断; 独裁者の専制政治; 一方的な罰; 任意のサイズおよび形の; 気紛れな選択
Similar to: discretionary absolute capricious
Antonym: nonarbitrary
Semantic Field: alla
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>