00709215-a 'easily broken or damaged or destroyed';
Chinese (simplified) 易碎+的 , 易碎 , 脆+的 , 脆弱+的 , 容易破碎+的 , 病弱+的 , 体弱 , 病弱 , 容易破碎 , 脆弱 , , 体弱+的 , 易受 伤害 , 容易 破碎 , 易受伤害 , 易受伤害+的
English delicate 3 , fragile 3 ( ) , frail
Indonesian lembut , mudah rosak , mudah pecah , tidak kukuh , halus , rapuh , getis , mudah patah , getas , rangup , mudah putus
Italian delicato , fragile
Japanese やわ , 脆弱 , か細い , もろい , 割れ易い , , 弱い , 華車 , 壊れ易い , 華奢 , 脆い , 花車
Malaysian lembut , mudah rosak , mudah pecah , tidak kukuh , halus , mubut , rapuh , getis , mudah patah , getas , rangup , mudah putus
che si danneggia facilmente
il modem era un apparecchio lento, costoso e spesso fragile; l'organismo umano è un apparecchio delicato e sensibile
支障なく飛ぶには華奢すぎるたこ; こわれやすい磁器のプレート; もろい古い骨; もろい工芸
easily broken or damaged or destroyed
a kite too delicate to fly safely; fragile porcelain plates; fragile old bones; a frail craft
Similar to: breakable
Semantic Field: alla
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>