00115157-v 'change the nature, purpose, or function of something'; V2; 
Czech přetvořit , přecházet , přeměnit , proměnit , převést , změnit , přepojit , konvertovat
Chinese (simplified) 使 改变 , 改变 , 换算 , 使改变
English convert 5 ( )
Indonesian mengubahsuai , mengubah , menukar , menukarkan , mengkonversikan
Italian convertire , commutare , trasformare
Japanese する , 変ずる , 変える , 変じる , 改める
Malaysian mengubahsuai , mengubah , menukar , menukarkan
鉛を金に変換する; ホテルを刑務所に改造する; 奴隷を労働者に変換する
change the nature, purpose, or function of something
convert lead into gold; convert hotels into jails; convert slaves to laborers
Hyponym: encode nitrify reclaim keratinize novelize hay ferment reconvert lignify mineralize ozonize flour diazotize slag sporulate verbalize receive dress scrap humify duplex deaden malt compost sulfate fossilize tan malt transition cutinize caramelize transcribe rasterize feudalize opalize mineralize
Hypernym: change
Semantic Field: changev
Verb Frames
Somebody ----s something;  
External Links


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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>