00002621-r 'only a very short time before';
Chinese (simplified) , 刚刚 , 差点 , 勉强+地 , 勉强
English hardly 37 , just 13 , barely 11 , scarcely 10 , scarce 1
Indonesian cuma , sedang , hanya , baru saja , sungguh , hampir tidak , memang
Italian non , appena , difficilmente , quasi , malapena , a-fatica , a stento , stentatamente
Japanese , 丁度 , ついさっき , つい , さっき
Malaysian cuma , sedang , hanya , baru saja , sungguh , hampir tidak , memang
only a very short time before
they could barely hear the speaker; we hardly knew them; just missed being hit; had scarcely rung the bell when the door flew open; would have scarce arrived before she would have found some excuse to leave- W.B.Yeats
時間的にほんのすこしだけ前 (takkur)
彼らは、なんとか話者の話を聞くことができた; 我々は、ついさっき彼らを知った; もう少しで打たれるところだった; ベルが鳴ってすぐに、ドアが急に開いた; 彼女は到着してすぐであれば、ここを去るための言い訳を見つけただろう − W.B.イェーツ
See also: girigiri_near_adverb
Semantic Field: allr
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>