Results for « 聪明 » (cmn)
精明, 有洞察力, 头脑 清晰, 有 洞察力, 慧眼, 聪颖, 头脑清晰, 聪明, 敏锐, 精明+的, 敏锐+的
clear-eyed, clear-sighted, perspicacious
     mentally acute or penetratingly discerning
伶俐, 机敏+的, 聪明, 机敏, 伶俐+的, 敏捷, 聪明+的
     not to be deceived or hoodwinked
04890112-n (3)
聪明, 明智, 智慧
wisdom, wiseness
     the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight
聪明, 敏捷, 出色
smartness, cleverness, brightness
     intelligence as manifested in being quick and witty
01334958-a (1)
聪颖, 机敏+的, 聪明, 机敏, 聪明+的
clever, apt
     mentally quick and resourceful
02569558-a (1)
明察秋毫, 有洞察力, 聪慧+的, 有 洞察力, 明察+的, 聪颖+的, 明察秋毫+的, 有见识+的, 聪颖, 有洞察力+的, 明察 秋毫, 有智慧+的, 明察, 有远见卓识+的, 有 见识, 聪明, 有智慧, 睿智+的, 有 智慧, 有远见卓识, 睿智, 有 远见 卓识, 聪明+的, 聪慧, 有见识
sagacious, perspicacious, sapient
     acutely insightful and wise
灵巧, 巧妙, 发明才能, 聪明, 发明 才能, 巧思, 创造力
ingenuity, ingeniousness, cleverness
     the property of being ingenious
00439252-a (3)
机灵, 精明, 伶俐, 小心, 机灵+的, 小心+的, 小心 谨慎, 机敏+的, 谨慎, 小心谨慎, 聪明, 机敏, 谨慎+的, 小心谨慎+的, 精明+的, 伶俐+的, 聪明+的
clever, cagey, cagy, canny
     showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others
明智, 聪明+地, 明智+地, 聪明
     in an intelligent manner
01943406-a (19)
懂 道理, 通晓事理+的, 懂道理+的, 判断正确, 合理+的, 明智+的, 懂道理, 知事, 知事+的, 通晓 事理, 贤明, 通晓事理, 聪明, 通情达理+的, 贤明+的, 明智, 通情达理, 合理, 判断 正确, 判断正确+的, 聪明+的
reasonable, sensible
     showing reason or sound judgment
00438707-a (8)
精明, 敏捷+的, 聪明, 精明+的, 敏捷, 聪明+的
     showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness
01334398-a (4)
有智慧+的, 有 才智, 聪明, 有智慧, 有 智慧, 有才智, 聪明+的, 聪慧, 智能
     having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree
精明, 目明, 视力敏锐+的, 慧眼+的, 慧眼, 视力敏锐, 聪明, 视力 敏锐, 精明+的, 目明+的, 聪明+的
     having sharp clear vision
02569130-a (13)
高明, 明智+的, 机智, 聪明, 英明, 机智+的, 明智, 聪明+的
     having or prompted by wisdom or discernment
, 高明, 精巧, 伶俐, 巧妙, 聪明, 伶俐+的, 聪明+的, 高明+的
clever, cunning, ingenious
     showing inventiveness and skill
00438909-a (9)
精明, 狡猾, 锐利+的, 诡计多端+的, 锐利, 狡黠, 锋利, 狡黠+的, 锋利+的, 机敏+的, 聪明, 机敏, 敏锐, 狡猾+的, 诡计多端, 精明+的, 敏锐+的, 聪明+的
sharp, shrewd, astute
     marked by practical hardheaded intelligence
聪明, 睿智+的, 明智, 睿智, 聪明+的
     skillful in statecraft or management
01332386-a (1)
需用 或 使用 智力, 要 动脑, 脑力, 需要靠智慧+的, 才智, 知性+的, 脑力+的, 知性, 智力+的, 需用或使用智力+的, 需用或使用智力, 要动脑+的, 才智+的, 要动脑, 需要靠智慧, 聪明, 使用脑力+的, 理智+的, 使用脑力, 使用 脑力, 智力, 理智, 聪明+的, 需要 靠 智慧
     appealing to or using the intellect
00201570-r (2)
聪明+地, 贤明, 聪明
wisely, sagely
     in a wise manner
00187455-r (1)
精明, 灵巧, 精明+地, 聪明
cleverly, smartly
     in a clever manner
00215811-r (2)
明理+地, 合理, 合理+地, 明理, 理智, 聪明
reasonably, sensibly, sanely
     with good sense or in a reasonable or intelligent manner
聪明, 聪敏, 明断, 睿智
judiciousness, sagacity, sagaciousness
     the trait of forming opinions by distinguishing and evaluating
01335156-a (9)
精明, 聪明, 卓越, 精明+的, 卓越+的, 聪明+的, 精悍
brilliant, brainy, smart as a whip
     having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence
01335458-a (7)
伶俐, 聪颖+的, 聪颖, 聪明, 伶俐+的, 聪明+的
bright, smart
     characterized by quickness and ease in learning


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