Results for « 沉默 » (cmn)
00501820-a (11)
缄默+的, 缄默, 沉默
silent, mum
     failing to speak or communicate etc when expected to
00152285-a (4)
不用 言语 表达, 不用言语表达, 无声, 不说话, 沉默, 不说话+的
mute, unspoken, tongueless, wordless
     expressed without speech
04982207-n (11)
无声, 沉默, 寂静, 安静
silence, quiet
     the absence of sound
寡言, 沉默, 沉默寡言, 沉默寡言+地, 沉默 寡言
     with reticence; in a reticent manner
蛰伏 状态, 沉默, 静寂, 休眠状态, 蛰伏状态, 休眠 状态, 不活动, 静止
quiescence, quiescency, dormancy
     a state of quiet (but possibly temporary) inaction
心照不宣+地, 默许, 沉默+地, 沉默, 心照不宣
     in a tacit manner; by unexpressed agreement
04651974-n (8)
沉默, 缄默, 一 语 不发, 一语不发
silence, muteness
     a refusal to speak when expected
00112090-r (8)
静静+地, 默不作声, 沉默, 无言, 缄默, 静静
silently, mutely, wordlessly, taciturnly
     without speaking
沉默, 缄默, 说话 不 多的, 沉默寡言, 说话不多的, 沉默 寡言, 保留, 无言
reserve, reticence, taciturnity
     the trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering anything more than necessary
内向+的, 退隐, 沉默+的, 吸入, 倒抽+的, 遁世, 冷漠, 吸入+的, 冷漠+的, 内向, 倒抽, 遁世+的, 沉默
indrawn, withdrawn
     tending to reserve or introspection
不喜欢说话+的, 沉默+的, 不喜欢 说话, 不喜欢说话, 无言, 沉默, 无言+的
reticent, untalkative
     temperamentally disinclined to talk
寡言, 秘密, 紧 嘴, 秘而不宣+的, 秘而不宣, 紧嘴, 沉默
close, closelipped, closemouthed, secretive, tightlipped
     inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information


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