Results for « 残忍 » (cmn)
00201195-r (7)
凶恶, 狠狠, 残酷+地, 邪恶+地, 残忍, 邪恶, 残酷, 凶恶+地, 野蛮
savagely, viciously, brutally
     in a vicious manner
01263013-a (14)
( 气候 ) 严苛, (气候)严苛+的, ( 天气 ) 恶劣, 凶残, 残忍+的, 无人性, 残酷, (气候)严苛, 残忍, (天气)恶劣+的, 凶恶, 无人性+的, 无情+的, 残暴, 粗暴+的, 粗暴, 凶残+的, 野蛮, 野蛮+的, 残酷+的, (天气)恶劣, 残暴+的, 无情,
savage, vicious, cruel, brutal, barbarous, roughshod, fell
     (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering
07506382-n (1)
无情, 残忍
cruelty, mercilessness, pitilessness, ruthlessness
     feelings of extreme heartlessness
00424599-n (4)
野蛮, 虐待, 残忍, 残酷
cruelty, inhuman treatment
     a cruel act; a deliberate infliction of pain and suffering
凶恶, 粗暴+地, 残忍, 残忍+地, 凶恶+地, 粗暴
     in an aggressively truculent manner
01263445-a (2)
如 兽, 残忍, 如兽, 野蛮, 野蛮+的, 如禽兽, 如 禽兽, 粗野+的, 粗野
bestial, brute, brutal, beastly, brutish
     resembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility
01373728-a (1)
不和善, 残酷, 不亲切, 残忍, 无情+的, 刻薄, 严峻+的, 冷酷+的, 冷酷, 无情, 严峻, 不和善+的
     lacking kindness
00164890-r (5)
无情+地, 冷淡+地, 无情, 残忍, 冷淡
coldly, in cold blood
     in a cold unemotional manner
02840006-a (1)
像 狼, 残忍+的, 如 狼般, 狼似, 狼吞虎咽+的, 贪婪, 狼吞虎咽, 残忍, 像狼+的, 如狼般+的, 像狼, 贪婪+的, 狼似+的, 狼 似, 如狼般
wolflike, wolfish
     resembling or characteristic (or considered characteristic) of a wolf
00084795-a (1)
凶恶+的, 残忍+的, 残酷, 残忍, 凶恶, 残暴, 野蛮, 野蛮+的, 残酷+的, 粗野+的, 残暴+的, 好斗, 粗野
     defiantly aggressive
00248251-a (1)
耽於暴力, 嗜杀, 残忍, 血淋淋, 残暴, 耽於 暴力, 耽於暴力+的, 嗜血
bloodthirsty, bloody-minded, sanguinary
     marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed
无情+地, 残酷+地, 无情, 残忍, 冷酷, 残酷
     in a ruthless manner
01508086-a (4)
残忍+的, 残忍, 心狠, 无情+的, 心狠+的, 冷酷, 无情
pitiless, remorseless, ruthless, unpitying
     without mercy or pity
恐怖+的, 残忍, 恐怖, 可怕+的, 可怕
morbid, ghoulish
     suggesting the horror of death and decay
02511528-a (16)
凶恶+的, 残忍+的, 残忍, 凶猛+的, 凶恶, 狂暴, 强烈+的, 强烈, 凶猛, 猛烈+的, 狂暴+的, 剧烈, 猛烈, 剧烈+的, 恶狠狠
fierce, furious, ferocious, savage
     marked by extreme and violent energy
残酷, 苛刻, 残忍, 无情+的, 严厉, 残酷+的, 严酷, 无情
rough, harsh
     unkind or cruel or uncivil
01133374-a (1)
残忍+的, 魔鬼+的, 穷凶恶极, 残忍, 穷 凶恶极, 如恶魔, 魔鬼, 冷酷, 恶魔, 如 恶魔
devilish, diabolic, diabolical, mephistophelian, mephistophelean
     showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil
没 人性, 不人道 的, 无 人情味, 残忍, 残忍+地, 没人性+地, 不人道的, 没人性, 无人情味, 无人情味+地
     in an inhumane manner
残忍, 无情+的, 冷酷+的, 冷酷, 心肠硬, 无情
hardhearted, heartless
     lacking in feeling or pity or warmth
04845475-n (1)
严酷, 冷酷, 严厉, 残忍, 残酷
cruelty, harshness, cruelness
     the quality of being cruel and causing tension or annoyance
表现 无情, 表现无情, 残忍+的, 险恶+的, 残忍, 无情+的, 表现无情+的, 险恶, 冷酷+的, 冷酷, 无情
     used of persons or behavior; showing no clemency or mercy
01132515-a (4)
恶魔般, 极邪恶, 极邪恶+的, 穷凶恶极, 残忍, 恶魔似, 穷 凶恶极, 邪恶, 恶魔, 极 邪恶, 万恶, 万恶 的
infernal, fiendish, satanic, unholy, demonic, diabolic, diabolical, hellish
     extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell
非人道+地, 残忍, 残忍+地, 残酷, 非人道
bestially, brutishly, in a beastly manner
     in the manner of a beast
04830689-n (2)
严酷, 野蛮, 兽行, 残忍, 暴行
brutality, savagery, ferociousness, viciousness
     the trait of extreme cruelty
01131454-a (3)
凶恶+的, 极恶+的, 令人毛骨悚然+的, 罪大恶极+的, 残忍+的, 骇人听闻+的, 残忍, 凶恶, 残暴, 罪大恶极, 令 人 毛骨悚然, 令人毛骨悚然, 残暴+的, 骇人听闻, 极恶
monstrous, atrocious, grievous, flagitious
     shockingly brutal or cruel
00400471-r (1)
狠狠, 狠狠的, 毫 无 慈悲, 无情, 不慈悲+的, 无情+的, 残忍, 毫无慈悲, 冷酷, 残忍+地, 狠狠 的, 严惩不贷, 毫无慈悲+地, 冷酷+地, 不慈悲
pitilessly, mercilessly, unmercifully, remorselessly
     without pity; in a merciless manner
01507402-a (3)
残忍+的, 残酷, 残忍, 不慈悲, 无情+的, 无情
merciless, unmerciful
     having or showing no mercy
残忍+的, 残忍, 残暴, 狂暴, 狂暴+的, 残暴+的
     resembling a tiger in fierceness and lack of mercy
嗜食人肉的恶习, 野蛮, 同类相食, 嗜食同类, 嗜食 同类, 自相残杀, 嗜食 人肉 的 恶习, 残忍, 食人
     the practice of eating the flesh of your own kind
残忍+的, 无勇气+的, 无勇气, 残忍, 无情+的, 无 勇气, 无生气+的, 无生气, 无情
     devoid of courage or enthusiasm
00424934-n (2)
粗野行为, 野蛮, 粗野 行为, 野性, 残暴, 暴虐, 残忍, 残酷, 未开化, 暴行
brutality, barbarity, barbarism, savagery
     a brutal barbarous savage act
01262611-a (2)
残忍+的, 残忍, 无 人情味, 无人情味+的, 无人情味
     lacking and reflecting lack of pity or compassion
魔鬼似+地, 魔鬼似, 残忍, 残忍+地, 恶魔似
devilishly, diabolically, fiendishly
     as a devil; in an evil manner
贪婪, 残忍
     in the manner of a wolf


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