Results for « 宏伟 » (cmn)
壮丽, 华丽+地, 堂皇, 豪华+地, 华美, 壮丽+地, 豪华, 了不起+地, 华丽, 辉煌, 华美+地, 辉煌+地, 宏伟+地, 了不起, 宏伟, 堂皇+地
magnificently, splendidly, gorgeously, resplendently
     in an impressively beautiful manner
堂皇, 宏伟, 庄严, 宏伟+的, 雄伟+的, 堂皇+的, 庄严+的, 雄伟
stately, statuesque
     of size and dignity suggestive of a statue
宏伟, 威严 ; 庄重, 威严;庄重
     an elaborate manner of doing something
02339791-a (1)
堂皇, 宏伟, 庄严, 高雅, 宏伟+的, 有 威严, 高雅+的, 有威严, 有威严+的, 堂皇+的, 庄严+的
majestic, olympian
     majestic in manner or bearing; superior to mundane matters
宏伟, 大 规模, 大量+的, 大规模, 大量, 大规模+的
     imposing in scale or scope or degree or power
堂皇, 夸大, 夸大+地, 夸张, 夸张+地, 宏伟
bombastically, grandiosely
     in a grandiose manner
01389170-a (9)
宏伟, 极大, 巨大, 巨大+的
massive, monolithic, monumental
     imposing in size or bulk or solidity
04814238-n (6)
富丽堂皇, 光彩, 光明, 宏伟, 光辉, 壮丽, 显赫, 华丽, 伟大,
grandeur, splendor, brilliance, grandness, magnificence, splendour
     the quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand
04729328-n (1)
庄严, 宏伟, 壮丽
magnificence, impressiveness, grandness, richness
     splendid or imposing in size or appearance
01120925-a (5)
宏伟, 愉快, 光荣, 宏伟+的, 绝妙+的, 荣耀, 愉快+的, 光彩, 荣耀+的, 光彩+的, 绝妙, 光荣+的, 辉煌+的, 辉煌
     having or deserving or conferring glory
01121757-a (4)
宏伟, 宏伟+的, 卓越, 九天, 最高天
sublime, empyreal, empyrean
     inspiring awe
宏伟, 巨大, 大 规模, 大规模, 巨大+的
     consisting of great mass; containing a great quantity of matter
豪华+地, 帝王般, 豪华, 庄严, 帝王般+地, 宏伟+地, 宏伟, 庄严+地
     in a regal manner
00350393-r (1)
华丽+地, 堂皇, 盛大, 盛大+地, 华丽, 宏伟+地, 宏伟, 堂皇+地
     in a grand manner
01284544-a (7)
宏伟, 巍峨, 盛大, 隆重, 巍峨+的, 壮丽, 宏伟+的, 雄伟+的, 宏大, 壮观, 伟大, 壮丽+的, 伟大+的, 雄伟
grand, heroic, expansive
     of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope
04729984-n (1)
尊严, 庄严, 宏伟, 崇高, 威严, 雄伟
majesty, stateliness, loftiness
     impressiveness in scale or proportion


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