Results for « 嘿 » (cmn)
, , ok, , 行呀, , 哈哈, 太好啦, , , 嘿嘿, , 好嘞,
ha, yes, aha, hear, huzzah, hubba-hubba, ole, zowie, keno, so, wahoo, hurrah, fabulous, fantastic, great, awesome, marvellous, super, swell, cheers, excellent, yay, hooray, yeehaw, yee-haw, ta-da, ta da, voila, haha, hahaha, hurray, woot, w00t, mwah ha ha, bwah ha ha
     an expression that is uttered to show approval, triumph or enthusiasm
, , , , , , , , 他妈的,
why, faugh, shoot, gad, puff, quotha, bah, tusch, poff, pho, booh, hum, boo, tusche, pugh, humph, pouf, pouff, soh, tchah, fuck, phew, rot, tchuh, yuck, shuh, hunh, chut, shoo, prut, pah, pooh, yech, tchu, pshut, tuch, tuh, phoo, aargh, shah, paf, ugh, tsk, psht, pish, paff, tut-tut, zut, sho, phooey, pfui, phoh, tush, poof, prute, tcha, pshaw, gah, tut, shit, ick, ew, eww, jeez, geez, dang, darn, darn it, dang it, tsk tsk, for goodness’ sake, for God’s sake, for cryin' out loud, for Pete's sake, for the love of God, for the love of Pete, for heaven's sake, for Christ's sake, for pity's sake, for cripes' sake, for fuck's sake, OMG, oh my god, oh my gosh, oh god, oh mi god, holy fuck, holy shit, holy crap, motherfucker, my ass, no shit, screw you, screw it, what the fuck, what the hell, what the heck, what the shit
     an expression that is uttered to show contempt, disgust or impatience
, , , , 乖乖, , 哦呵, , 啊呀, , , 吭哟, 喔哟, 哇塞, 哎呀, , , , 啊哈, , , 哎哟, , , , 好家伙, 哎呀妈呀, 天啊, , , 嘻嘻, , , , 啊哟, 嘿嘿, , , 我的天啊
well, dear, ah, why, ha, wow, hey, oh, no way, gad, son of a bitch, whoosh, humph, whoof, mercy, say, man, gee-whiz, gracious, phew, upon my soul, golly, caramba, my, hollo, lord, good, boy, what, alack, dear me, crazy, whew, goodness, cor, doggone, gosh, zounds, huh, indeed, ho, gee, so, deuce, oh no, coo, heigh, yow, oho, jiminy, heck, hoo-ha, heigh-ho, heyday, upon my word, blimey, the devil, shit, oh dear, dear knows, goodness me, goodness gracious, my goodness, no, jeez, geez, oh my, my my, my oh my, ooh la la, OMG, oh my god, oh my gosh, oh god, oh mi god, holy moley, my god, good heavens, good heaven, my word, by jove, haha, hahaha, by thunder, by heaven
     an expression that is uttered to show surprise or wonder
, , 啊呀, 哎呀, , , , , 去他娘的, , 他奶奶的, , 好家伙, , , , 啊哟, 嘿嘿, , , 行啦
why, ha, hah, merde, ouch, son of a bitch, drot, me, damnation, lor, lordy, mercy, rats, fuck, rot, hunh, lord, ouff, lors, hang, bother, sapperment, what, drat, hoot, tsk, it, corks, cor, damn, doggone, lor', tut-tut, zounds, spells, zut, ouf, deuce, oof, upon my word, the devil, tut, hell, shit, jeez, geez, dang, darn, darn it, dang it, argh, augh, tsk tsk, oy, for goodness’ sake, for God’s sake, for cryin' out loud, for Pete's sake, for the love of God, for the love of Pete, for heaven's sake, for Christ's sake, for pity's sake, for cripes' sake, for fuck's sake, OMG, oh my god, oh my gosh, oh god, oh mi god, holy fuck, holy shit, holy crap, motherfucker, my ass, no shit, screw you, screw it, what the fuck, what the hell, what the heck, what the shit, damnit
     an expression that is uttered to show anger, annoyance, irritation or indignation
, , , , ,
hello, halloa, hullo, hey, oh, yoa hoa, yo, sohowe, hoy, o, yoho, cooey, yoo-hoo, what ho, psst, oi, hark, hollo, soho, look, holla, yoe-hoe, yeo-ho, a-hey, hallow, halloo, hallo, so-ho, ho, order, here, oyez, cooee, oyes, heh, ahem, hist
     an expression that is uttered to attract someone's attention
, , 干杯吧, 干杯
salud, prosit, santy, skoal, salut, skol, slainté, santé, slainte, prost
     an expression that is uttered as a salutation before drinking
, 你好, , , 你吃了吗, , 您好, , , 你们好
hello, hi, howdy, halloa, hullo, sup, good day, ciao, hallow, halloo, hallo, g'day, aloha, hi ya, hey there, hello there, what's up
     an expression that is uttered as a general greeting


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