15286249-n 'a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit';
Czech tempo , rychlost
汉语 , 速率
英语 rate 68
Indonesian kadar kecepatan , cukai , kadar , rata-rata
Italian velocità , ritmo , tasso
日语 , 歩合 , 割合
Malaysian kadar kecepatan , cukai , kadar , kadaran , rata-rata
彼らは時速55マイルで進んだ; 変化は予想以上に速かった
a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit
they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour; the rate of change was faster than expected
Hyponym: kilometers_per_hour flux gigahertz megahertz hertz birthrate frequency metabolic_rate pace erythrocyte_sedimentation_rate jerk pulse bits_per_second tempo deathrate respiratory_rate spacing growth_rate sampling_rate miles_per_hour terahertz rate_of_return words_per_minute acceleration dose_rate kilohertz flow deceleration inflation_rate data_rate solar_constant crime_rate speed attrition_rate revolutions_per_minute
Hypernym: magnitude_relation
Semantic Field: timen
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Seen Lemmas: ghirlanda; memaksimumkan;
(0.02744 seconds)
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Maintainer: Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>