Results for « 龙葵 » (cmn)
一种羊肚菌, 一 种 羊 肚菌, 羊肚菌, 龙葵
Morchella crassipes, thick-footed morel
     a delicious morel with a conic fertile portion having deep and irregular pits ❲Morchella crassipes❳
野 海椒, 红珊瑚, 玉珊瑚, 野海椒, 玉 珊瑚, 珊瑚樱, 吉庆 果, 冬珊瑚, 看果, 四 季 果, 吉庆果, 观叶 辣椒, 珊瑚子, 冬 珊瑚, 红 珊瑚, 龙葵, 野辣茄, 四季果, 观叶辣椒
Jerusalem cherry, winter cherry, Madeira winter cherry, Solanum pseudocapsicum
     small South American shrub cultivated as a houseplant for its abundant ornamental but poisonous red or yellow cherry-sized fruit ❲Solanum pseudocapsicum❳
羊肚菌, 羊肚菜, 羊蘑, 美味 羊肚菌, 美味羊肚菌, 龙葵
common morel, Morchella esculenta, sponge mushroom, sponge morel
     an edible and choice morel with a globular to elongate head with an irregular pattern of pits and ridges ❲Morchella esculenta❳
野 海椒, 美洲 毒莓, 野茄菜, 耳坠菜, 狗钮子, 苦菜, 救 儿草, 苦 菜, 野海椒, 野辣角, 山辣椒, 乌归菜, 天泡草, 黑茄, 山 辣椒, 七粒扣, 地 泡子, 美洲毒莓, 乌疔草, 老鸦眼睛草, 天茄菜, 山海椒, 野茄子, 老鸦 酸浆草, 水茄, 天泡果, 水苦菜, 救儿草, 天茄子, 七 粒 扣, 苦葵, 天茄 苗儿, 野辣椒, 老鸦酸浆草, 山 海椒, 飞天龙, 野 茄子, 黑 姑娘, 地戎草, 天 茄子, 地泡子, 野 辣椒, 野葡萄, 后红子, 天天茄, 野伞子, 龙葵, 水 苦 菜, 天茄苗儿, 酸浆草, 黑姑娘, 老鸦 眼睛草
black nightshade, common nightshade, poisonberry, poison-berry, Solanum nigrum
     Eurasian herb naturalized in America having white flowers and poisonous hairy foliage and bearing black berries that are sometimes poisonous but sometimes edible ❲Solanum nigrum❳
羊肚蕈, 龙葵
     any of various edible mushrooms of the genus Morchella having a brownish spongelike cap
garden huckleberry, wonderberry, sunberry, Solanum nigrum guineese, Solanum melanocerasum, Solanum burbankii
     improved garden variety of black nightshade having small edible orange or black berries ❲Solanum melanocerasum, Solanum burbankii, Solanum nigrum guineese❳


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