Results for « 食品 » (cmn)
可食 用的, 可食用的, 食品, 食物
pabulum, comestible, edible, eatable, victual, victuals
     any substance that can be used as food
00828779-a (1)
可食, 食品, 食用, 可吃, 可以 吃, 食用+的, 可以吃, 可食用, 食物
eatable, edible, comestible
     suitable for use as food
03461119-n (1)
食品, 杂货
foodstuff, grocery
     consumer goods sold by a grocer
00021265-n (30)
营养物, 滋养物, 食品, 粮食, 食物,
food, nutrient
     any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue
06716234-n (3)
嘲笑, 贪吃, 食品, 嘲讽, 揶揄, 狼吞虎咽, 笑柄, 戏弄, 讥讽, 愚弄, 嘲弄
scoffing, mockery, jeer, jeering, scoff
     showing your contempt by derision


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