Results for « 霸道 » (cmn)
反复无常, 心情 浮动, 霸道, 心情浮动, 随心所欲, 怪念头, 变化无常, 变化 无常, 任性, 专横
whimsicality, flightiness, arbitrariness, whimsy, whimsey, capriciousness
     the trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment
欺凌弱小, 霸道, 吵闹, 霸道+的, 欺凌弱小+的, 豪横, 欺凌 弱小, 吵闹+的
blustery, bullying
     noisily domineering; tending to browbeat others
00718924-a (8)
专横, 独断, 专制, 随意+的, 霸道, 随意, 霸道+的, 专制+的, 专横+的, 任意+的, 独断+的, 任意
     based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice
专横, 傲慢+的, 霸道, 目空一切, 霸道+的, 不容分说+的, 不容分说, 目空一切+的, 专横+的, 傲慢
cavalier, high-handed
     given to haughty disregard of others


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