Results for « 难题 » (cmn)
智力 游戏, , 智力游戏, 迷惑, 猜谜游戏, 猜谜 游戏, 难题
puzzle, teaser, puzzler, mystifier
     a particularly baffling problem that is said to have a correct solution
05686955-n (13)
困境, 难处, 难题
     a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result
僵局, 极其复杂的问题, 极其 复杂 的 问题, 难题
Gordian knot
     any very difficult problem; insoluble in its own terms
sticker, poser, stumper, toughie
     a particularly difficult or baffling question or problem
06785223-n (1)
, 谜语, 复杂 难题, 复杂难题, 难题
riddle, enigma, conundrum, brain-teaser
     a difficult problem
05687338-n (38)
困难, 问题, 难题
trouble, problem
     a source of difficulty
哥帝尔斯难结, 戈耳狄 俄 斯 之 结, 戈尔迪乌姆结, 戈尔 迪乌姆结, 戈耳狄俄斯之结, 戈尔迪之结, 难题, 戈尔 迪之结
Gordian knot
     an intricate knot tied by Gordius, the king of Phrygia, and cut by the sword of Alexander the Great after he heard that whoever undid it would become ruler of Asia


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