Results for « 轻快 » (cmn)
轻快+的, 明朗, 轻快, 活泼, 明朗+的, 活泼+的
     lively and brisk
欣然, 轻快, 活泼, 欣然 同意, 敏捷, 渴望, 欣然同意
alacrity, briskness, smartness
     liveliness and eagerness
轻快+的, 轻快, 急速, 快速+的, 急速+的, 快速
     (of tempo) fast
00874226-a (2)
轻快+的, 精力充沛, 敏捷+的, 轻快, 活泼, 活跃+的, 精力充沛+的, 活跃, 活泼+的, 敏捷, 精力 充沛
brisk, alert, lively, zippy, merry, rattling, snappy, spanking
     quick and energetic
00032733-a (4)
轻快+的, 敏捷+的, 灵活, 轻快, 快速+的, 灵活+的, 快速, 敏捷
quick, agile, nimble, spry
     moving quickly and lightly
00280283-r (4)
活泼, 迅速, 精神勃勃, 活泼+地, 迅速+地, 轻快+地, 轻快, 精神 勃勃
     in a brisk manner
灵巧+地, 轻快+地, 轻快, 灵巧, 翩然
lightsomely, trippingly
     moving with quick light steps
00363621-a (3)
轻快+的, 心情 轻松, 自由 自在, 自由自在+的, 心情轻松+的, 心情轻松, 轻快, 活泼, 轻松愉快, 无忧无虑, 轻松 愉快, 快活, 无忧无虑+的, 自由自在, 轻松愉快+的, 逍遥自在+的, 逍遥自在, 快活+的, 活泼+的
perky, buoyant, chirpy
     characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness
01192393-a (1)
轻快+的, 轻快, 轻松, 轻盈+的, 轻盈, 畅快, 翩然
light, lightsome, tripping
     moving easily and quickly; nimble
轻快, 敏捷, 灵活
lightsomeness, lightness, agility, legerity, nimbleness
     the gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble
02020011-a (1)
轻快+的, 活泼 轻快, 摆动, 摇荡, 活泼轻快, 摆动+的, 摇荡+的, 活泼轻快+的, 轻快, 活泼, 轻快活泼, 欢快+的, 轻松节奏, 轻快活泼+的, 轻松节奏+的, 轻松 节奏, 欢快, 活泼+的, 轻快 活泼, 翩然
swingy, tripping, lilting, swinging
     characterized by a buoyant rhythm
轻快, 轻松愉快的, 轻松 愉快 的
lightsomeness, lightness
     the trait of being lighthearted and frivolous
轻快+的, 轻快, 活泼, 轻松愉快, 活跃+的, 轻松 愉快, 轻松愉快+的, 活跃, 活泼+的
     fresh and animated


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