Results for « 贫困 » (cmn)
贫困+地, 缺乏+地, 吝啬+地, 吝啬, 贫穷, 贫穷+地, 贫困, 缺乏, 拮倨+地, 拮倨
     in a penurious manner
14493716-n (1)
赤贫, 极度 贫穷, 贫乏, 极度贫穷, 贫穷, 贫困, 缺乏
need, pauperization, indigence, penury, pauperism
     a state of extreme poverty or destitution
14493145-n (7)
贫乏, 贫瘠, 贫穷, 贫困
poverty, impoverishment, poorness
     the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions
财政 危机, 财政危机, 破产, 贫困+的, 贫困
broken, wiped out, impoverished
     destroyed financially
00402938-r (1)
糟糕, 艰难, 令人难受+地, 贫困+地, 艰难+地, 悲惨, 悲惨+地, 非常不幸, 可悲, 令 人 难受, 可哀+地, 贫困, 非常不幸+地, 可悲+地, 令人难受, 糟糕+地, 非常 不幸, 可哀
     in a miserable manner
02457558-a (3)
窘迫+的, 财政紧迫, 财政 紧迫, 窘迫, 财务吃紧, 财务吃紧+的, 贫困+的, 贫困, 贫苦, 贫苦+的, 财政紧迫+的, 财务 吃紧
distressed, hard-pressed, hard put, in a bad way
     facing or experiencing financial trouble or difficulty
01864471-a (2)
被 剥夺 基本 权利, 被剥夺基本权利+的, 特权少, 贫困+的, 贫困, 被剥夺基本权利, 没有享受正当权益, 特权 少, 没有享受正当权益+的, 没有 享受 正当 权益
     lacking the rights and advantages of other members of society
02347086-a (2)
凄惨, 破旧, 简陋, 破旧+的, 贫乏, 劣等, 贫困+的, 贫困, 极差+的, 贫乏+的, 凄惨+的, 简陋+的, 极差, 劣等+的
wretched, miserable, execrable, deplorable, woeful
     of very poor quality or condition
14449126-n (57)
匮乏, 需求, 需要, 必要, 贫困, , -需
need, demand
     a condition requiring relief
贫穷, 窘促, 极度贫困, 贫乏, 待援+的, 贫困+的, 贫困, 极度贫困+的, 贫乏+的, 极度 贫困, 穷困+的, 贫穷+的, 待援, 赤贫+的, 赤贫, 穷困
needy, impoverished, destitute, indigent, necessitous, poverty-stricken
     poor enough to need help from others
02022953-a (12)
, 空匮, 贫穷, 无价值+的, 贫乏, 无价值, 贫困+的, 贫困, 贫乏+的, 贫穷+的
     having little money or few possessions


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