Results for « 诗 » (cmn)
诗人, , 诗人气质+的, 像 诗, 像诗, 诗意, 诗+的, 诗意+的, 诗人 气质, 像诗+的, 诗人+的, 诗人气质
poetic, poetical
     characteristic of or befitting poetry
02857099-a (1)
, 韵文+的, 诗意, 诗+的, 诗意+的, 诗歌, 韵文, 诗歌+的
poetic, poetical
     of or relating to poetry
诗章, 长诗 中 的 篇章, 长诗中的篇章, , 篇章
     a major division of a long poem
06381869-n (3)
用 韵诗 表达, 作诗, 用韵诗表达, 诗歌, , 韵文, 用诗表达
verse, rhyme
     a piece of poetry
07092592-n (13)
诗集, 诗歌, , 韵文
poetry, verse, poesy
     literature in metrical form
06377442-n (14)
诗歌, , 韵文
poem, verse form
     a composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines


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