Results for « 苍耳属 » (cmn)
苍耳属, 苍耳属植物, 苍耳属 植物
great burdock, greater burdock, cocklebur, Arctium lappa
     burdock having heart-shaped leaves found in open woodland, hedgerows and rough grassland of Europe (except extreme N) and Asia Minor; burdock having heart-shaped leaves found in open woodland, hedgerows and rough grassland of Europe (except extreme N) and Asia Minor; sometimes cultivated for medicinal and culinary use ❲Arctium lappa❳
Xanthium, genus Xanthium
     coarse herbs having small heads of greenish flowers followed by burrs with hooked bristles ❲Xanthium❳
苍耳属, 美国 一 种 很 像 向日葵 的 多年生 多叶 植物, 美国一种很像向日葵的多年生多叶植物
genus Wyethia
     coarse leafy perennial plants resembling sunflowers found especially in the western United States ❲Wyethia❳


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