Results for « 自满 » (cmn)
07508806-n (6)
自大, 自满, 自负, 自我, 自大 的 态度, 自大的态度
ego, egotism, self-importance
     an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others
自以为是+的, 得意, 自满, 自鸣得意, 自满+的, 自以为是
complacent, self-satisfied, self-complacent
     contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions
00589448-a (3)
得意, 沾沾自喜+的, 自满, 自鸣得意, 自满+的, 沾沾自喜, 自命不凡, 自以为是
smug, self-satisfied
     marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction
07531713-n (4)
自满, 满足, 自 满的, 安心, 自满的
self-satisfaction, complacency, complacence, self-complacency
     the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself
自大+地, 自大, 自满+地, 自满, 自以为是
conceitedly, self-conceitedly
     with conceit; in a conceited manner
02596908-v (4)
充满 感情, 骄傲, 充满感情, 自满, 生气
swell, puff up
     become filled with pride, arrogance, or anger


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