Results for « 自大 » (cmn)
自大, 得意, 趾高气扬
     make proud or conceited
14392318-n (1)
自大, 妄想 自大狂, 夸大狂, 妄想自大狂
     a psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur
自恋+的, 自大+的, 自我 中心, 自我中心主义, 自我中心主义+的, 利己主义+的, 孤芳自赏+的, 任性+的, 自私自利+的, 自我陶醉+的, 自我本位, 自我中心, 自我 中心 主义, 自我本位+的, 任性, 自我 陶醉, 孤芳自赏, 自我 本位, 自我陶醉, 自大, 自私自利, 自我中心+的, 自恋, 利己主义
egotistic, egotistical, narcissistic, self-loving
     characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance
自大+地, 自大, 自满+地, 自满, 自以为是
conceitedly, self-conceitedly
     with conceit; in a conceited manner
骄傲, 自负, 自任不凡, 矫饰, 自大+地, 自命, 自命不凡+地, 自任不凡+地, 自大, 夸耀, 自 任 不凡, 骄傲+地, 自负+地, 自命+地, 自命不凡, 矫饰+地, 夸耀+地
     in a pretentious manner
01890382-a (1)
自大自满+的, 傲慢+的, 自大自满, 高傲, 傲慢, 自大 自满, 自大
stuck-up, snotty, snot-nosed, persnickety, bigheaded, snooty, too big for one's breeches, uppish
     overly conceited or arrogant
自大, 虚荣, 自负
vanity, conceit, conceitedness
     the trait of being unduly vain and conceited; false pride
自大, 傲慢, 高傲
uppityness, uppishness
     assumption of airs beyond one's station
04817923-n (1)
自大, 卖弄, 傲慢, 炫耀, 虚夸
pompousness, inflation, pretentiousness, ostentation, ostentatiousness, pomposity, puffiness, splashiness
     lack of elegance as a consequence of being pompous and puffed up with vanity
专横, 独断+地, 自大, 独断, 独裁, 专横+地
autocratically, magisterially, dictatorially
     in an overbearingly domineering manner; as a dictator
01889819-a (1)
自尊自大, 自大+的, 自负+的, 自负, 傲慢+的, 骄傲+的, 自尊自大+的, 高傲, 傲慢, 自大, 骄傲
arrogant, chesty, self-important
     having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride
01890187-a (1)
自大+的, 虚荣心强, 虚荣心 强, 自大
swelled, big, vainglorious
     feeling self-importance
装饰 表面, 自大+的, 自负+的, 自负, 装饰表面+的, 夸示+的, 夸示, 装饰表面, 自夸+的, 自夸, 自大
ostentatious, pretentious
     (of a display) tawdry or vulgar
01849960-a (2)
自负+的, 自负, 傲慢+的, 夸大, 傲慢, 自大
pompous, overblown, grandiloquent, pontifical, portentous
     puffed up with vanity
自大+的, 高傲+的, 太 骄傲 了, 过分 骄傲, 高傲, 过分骄傲+的, 过分骄傲, 太骄傲了, 自大
     excessively proud
07508705-n (4)
自大, 自尊
self-esteem, self-pride
     a feeling of pride in yourself
07508806-n (6)
自大, 自满, 自负, 自我, 自大 的 态度, 自大的态度
ego, egotism, self-importance
     an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others
00266016-r (1)
自大, 傲慢, 神气十足
     in an arrogant manner
04887912-n (1)
自大, 傲慢, 傲气
arrogance, haughtiness, hauteur, high-handedness, lordliness
     overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors


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