Results for « 破烂 » (cmn)
02582697-a (5)
破烂, 破旧, 破烂+的, 褴褛+的, 破旧+的, 褴褛, 衣衫褴褛, 衣衫褴褛+的, 衣衫 褴褛
     being or dressed in clothes that are worn or torn
不整齐+地, 粗糙, 不整齐, 粗糙+地, 不齐+地, 破烂, 参差不齐, 破烂+地, 参差不齐+地, 不齐
raggedly, jaggedly
     with a ragged and uneven appearance
破烂, 打碎, 粉碎+的, 裂成碎片, 裂成 碎片, 损坏+的, 粉碎, 破坏, 砸碎, 损坏, 破坏+的
shattered, tattered
     ruined or disrupted
00679717-a (3)
破烂, 荒废, 衣服 褴褛 的 人, 破烂+的, 晃荡, 毁坏+的, 衣服 褴褛, 衣服褴褛, 倒塌+的, 毁坏, 摇晃, 衣服褴褛的人, 全身泥污, 象要倒, 倒塌, 要塌似, 全身 泥污
dilapidated, broken-down, bedraggled, derelict, ramshackle, tatterdemalion, tumble-down
     in deplorable condition
02583619-a (35)
破烂, 破烂+的, 破碎, 褴褛+的, 褴褛, 衣衫褴褛, 衣衫褴褛+的, 衣衫 褴褛
tattered, tatterdemalion
     worn to shreds; or wearing torn or ragged clothing
破烂, 骯脏+的, 不整齐+的, 破旧, 破烂+的, 骯脏, 肮脏, 不整洁+的, 破旧+的, 邋遢, 不整洁, 肮脏+的, 邋遢+的, 不整齐
seedy, scruffy
     shabby and untidy
粗糙, 破烂, 崎岖
     shabbiness by virtue of being in rags
破烂, 破烂+的, 劣质, 不 值钱, 卑劣, 劣质+的, 卑劣+的, 不值钱+的, 不值钱
shoddy, cheapjack, tawdry
     cheap and shoddy
02581254-a (1)
破烂, 破旧, 破烂+的, 破旧+的, 用烂, 弄垮+的, 弄垮, 磨损+的, 用烂+的, 用 烂, 磨损
     damaged especially by hard usage
00679562-a (3)
破烂, 破旧, 破烂+的, 弄垮+的, 打扁了, 弄垮, 打 扁了, 耗损, 敲碎
battered, beat-up, beaten-up
     damaged by blows or hard usage
02581530-a (1)
破烂, 残破, 要坍塌似+的, 破烂 或 情况 不佳, 破烂或情况不佳, 破烂+的, 残破+的, 腐朽, 腐朽+的, 用旧+的, 要 坍塌 似, 要坍塌似, 用旧, 陈旧, 破烂或情况不佳+的
run-down, derelict, creaky, woebegone, decrepit, flea-bitten
     worn and broken down by hard use
14560538-n (2)
失修, 破损, 破烂, 年久失修
     in need of repairs; in need of repair
02583043-a (4)
破烂, 破旧, 破烂+的, 过时+的, 破旧+的, 邋遢, 邋遢+的, 虫蛀+的, 过时, 虫蛀
shabby, ratty, moth-eaten, tatty
     showing signs of wear and tear
破烂, 材料质粗糙+的, 材料 质 粗糙, 破烂+的, 赝品+的, 劣质, 材料质粗糙, 劣质+的, 劣等, 赝品, 假冒+的, 假冒, 劣等+的
shoddy, jerry-built
     of inferior workmanship and materials


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