Results for « 熟悉 » (cmn)
01307067-a (1)
通晓+的, 熟悉+的, 通晓, 熟悉
familiar, conversant
     well informed about or knowing thoroughly
00453053-a (1)
熟友, , 亲密+的, 亲密, 熟悉
intimate, familiar
     having mutual interests or affections; of established friendship
不恰当的举动, 亲密, 不 恰当 的 举动, 熟悉
familiarity, impropriety, indecorum, liberty
     an act of undue intimacy
熟识, 精通, 熟悉
familiarization, familiarisation
     the experience of becoming familiar with something
05817145-n (4)
了解, 精通, 认识, 熟悉, 相识
familiarity, acquaintance, conversance, conversancy
     personal knowledge or information about someone or something
平易, 熟悉+的, 有 民间 风味, 有民间风味, 熟悉, 平易+的
     very informal and familiar
00970249-a (1)
一般+的, 熟悉, 普通, 普通+的, 日常, 一般, 日常+的, 常见
     within normal everyday experience; common and ordinary; not strange
了解最新发展的(, 通晓新近发展, 精通, 通晓新近发展+的, 通晓 新近 发展, 熟悉, 熟谙, 了解 最新 发展 的 (
abreast, au courant, au fait, up on
     being up to particular standard or level especially in being up to date in knowledge
00966357-a (5)
熟悉+的, , 老+的, 熟悉
     very familiar
04655442-n (2)
亲密, 友好, 熟悉
familiarity, intimacy, closeness
     close or warm friendship
00237636-r (1)
熟悉, 熟悉+地, 故意
wittingly, knowingly
     with full knowledge and deliberation
00875000-v (1)
习於, 精通, 熟悉
get into
     familiarize oneself thoroughly with
00965606-a (23)
通晓+的, 熟悉+的, 常见+的, 通晓, 熟悉, 熟谙, 熟谙+的, 常见
     well known or easily recognized
04796291-n (1)
亲密, 精通, 熟悉, 通晓
     usualness by virtue of being familiar or well known


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