Results for « 深层 » (cmn)
00941940-a (8)
潜在, 固有, 与生俱来, 潜在+的, 根本, 深层
underlying, implicit in, inherent
     in the nature of something though not readily apparent
晦涩+的, , 深奥, 难解, 深+的, 难解+的, 玄妙+的, 深奥+的, 玄妙, 晦涩, 深层
deep, abstruse, recondite
     difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge
00690058-a (11)
向下延伸+的, , 向下 延伸, 深+的, 向下延伸, 深入, 深入+的, 深层
     having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center
01511292-a (6)
极度+的, 极度, , 极端+的, 极端, 深层
     extreme or intense
00939444-a (17)
难以理解, 难以 了解, 含义 模糊, 不可思议, 难以理解+的, 神秘, 神秘+的, 不可思议+的, 难以了解, 难以 理解, 含义模糊, 隐藏, 深层
mysterious, cryptic, inscrutable, deep, cryptical, mystifying
     of an obscure nature


Seen Lemmas: indecorum;
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