Results for « 浮躁 » (cmn)
性急+地, 冲动+地, 冲动, 浮躁+地, 性急, 浮躁
impetuously, impulsively
     in an impulsive or impetuous way; without taking cautions
04648866-n (1)
草率, 轻率, 无礼, 浮躁
light-mindedness, flippancy
     inappropriate levity
浮躁, 浮躁+的, 轻浮+的, 轻率+的, 轻率, 轻浮
flighty, flyaway, head-in-the-clouds, scatterbrained
     guided by whim and fancy
00326608-a (2)
浮躁, 行为鲁莽, 性急, 轻率, 冲动, 行为 鲁莽, 鲁莽
impetuous, hotheaded, impulsive, madcap, tearaway, brainish
     characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation
头脑 空虚, 浮躁, 粗心, 头脑空虚+的, 浮躁+的, 愚蠢多嘴+的, 轻率+的, 愚蠢多嘴, 愚蠢 多嘴, 轻率, 粗心+的, 头脑空虚
scatty, scatterbrained, rattlebrained, rattlepated
     lacking sense or discretion
不安定+的, 不耐烦+的, 浮躁, 不安+的, 不安静+的, 不安, 坐立不安, 烦躁+的, 烦躁, 烦燥+的, 坐立不安+的, 烦燥, 不安定, 不安静, 不耐烦
fretful, itchy, antsy, fidgety
     nervous and unable to relax


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