Results for « 残废 » (cmn)
01019283-a (8)
失去 作用, 有缺陷, 残废+的, 失去战斗力+的, 残废, 残疾, 失去作用, 残障, 失去战斗力, 失去 战斗力, 有 缺陷
disabled, handicapped
     incapable of functioning as a consequence of injury or illness
, , 残废, 跛行
lameness, limping, gimp, gimpiness, gameness, claudication
     disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet
畸形, 残废
deformity, malformation, misshapenness
     an affliction in which some part of the body is misshapen or malformed
跛+的, 残废+的, 残废, 跛行, , 跛足
     sore or lame
14548343-n (4)
残障, 无能, 能力 障碍, 残疾, 伤残, 身体 或 智力 上 的 障碍, 身体或智力上的障碍, 能力障碍, 残废, 身心障碍, 障碍, 身心 障碍
disability, handicap, impairment, disablement
     the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness
截肢, 残废, 切断
     a condition of disability resulting from the loss of one or more limbs
使不 完整, 残废, 伤残+的, 伤残, 使残废达到, 支离破碎, 使 残废, 残缺不全+的, 使不完整, 使残废, 使 残废 达到, 残缺 不全, 支离破碎+的, 残缺不全, 损坏
maimed, mutilated
     having a part of the body crippled or disabled


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