Results for « 晦涩 » (cmn)
00431004-a (22)
不清楚+的, 交代 不清, 晦涩+的, 不明确, 不明确+的, 交代不清+的, 含糊不清, 模糊, 交代不清, 难解, 难解+的, 表达不清, 表达不清+的, 模糊+的, 含糊, 含糊不清+的, 不清楚, 晦涩, 含糊+的, 表达 不清
vague, obscure
     not clearly understood or expressed
00534250-a (2)
暧昧+的, 清楚, 朦胧, 模糊, 难解, 阴暗, 悲观, 朦胧+的, 暧昧, 含糊, 晦涩, 暧昧性
obscure, dark
     marked by difficulty of style or expression
04823416-n (4)
朦胧, 费解的话, 隐晦, 晦涩, 费解 的话, 暧昧, 深奥, 暧昧性
obscurity, abstruseness, obscureness, reconditeness
     the quality of being unclear or abstruse and hard to understand
不透明, 晦涩, 不透明体, 意义模糊, 暧昧, 意义 模糊, 不透明性, 暧昧性
opacity, opaqueness
     incomprehensibility resulting from obscurity of meaning
晦涩+的, , 深奥, 难解, 深+的, 难解+的, 玄妙+的, 深奥+的, 玄妙, 晦涩, 深层
deep, abstruse, recondite
     difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge
不清楚+的, 朦胧, 不引人注目, 不 引人注目, 隐晦, 朦胧+的, 含糊, 不清楚, 晦涩, 隐晦+的
obscure, unnoticeable
     not drawing attention
难懂, 不清晰性, 晦涩
     incomprehensibility as a consequence of being unintelligible


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