Results for « 昏睡 » (cmn)
重度 昏迷, 昏睡, 重度昏迷+的, 重度昏迷, 昏睡 状态, 昏睡状态
     in a state of deep and usually prolonged unconsciousness; unable to respond to external stimuli
14014990-n (2)
迟钝, 类似于 熟睡 的 无意识 状态, 类似于熟睡的无意识状态, 昏睡
lethargy, sluggishness, lassitude
     a state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping sickness)
重度 昏迷, 昏迷+的, 昏睡+的, 昏睡, 不省人事, 不省人事+的, 重度昏迷+的, 昏迷, 重度昏迷
     relating to or associated with a coma
精力 不 充沛, 精力不充沛, 昏睡, 无力+地, 昏睡+的, 精力不充沛+地, 无力, 迟钝, 迟钝+地
lethargically, unenergetically
     without energy; in a lethargic manner
14025993-n (1)
无意识状态, 梦寐, 迷睡, 睡意, 无意识 状态, 酣睡, 昏睡
sleep, sopor
     a torpid state resembling deep sleep
迟钝, 昏沈, 昏沈+的, 迟钝+的, 昏睡
lethargic, unenrgetic
     deficient in alertness or activity
05680193-n (1)
重度 昏迷, 重度昏迷, 昏迷, 昏睡
coma, comatoseness
     a state of deep and often prolonged unconsciousness; usually the result of disease or injury


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