Results for « 挪用公款 » (cmn)
02292535-v (2)
舞弊, 挪用, 盗用, 挪用 公款, 挪用公款, 侵占
embezzle, defalcate, peculate, misappropriate, malversate
     appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use
挪用 公款, 挪用公款, 舞弊, 私吞, 盗用公款, 盗用, 挪用, 侵吞, 盗用 公款
misappropriation, embezzlement, peculation, defalcation, misapplication
     the fraudulent appropriation of funds or property entrusted to your care but actually owned by someone else


Seen Lemmas: unworldly;
(0.00463 seconds)
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