Results for « 报应 » (cmn)
天罚, 灾祸, 报应, 祸因, 祸害, 灾星, 祸根
scourge, curse, bane, nemesis
     something causing misery or death
07295629-n (6)
报偿, 酬劳, 报应, 代价, 报酬, 工资, 报应或报酬, 报应 或 报酬
reward, wages, payoff
     a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing
05164845-n (1)
不利 结果, 损失, 不利结果, 报应
     the disadvantage or painful consequences of an action or condition
报应+的, 报应, 惩罚
vindicatory, retributive, retributory
     given or inflicted in requital according to merits or deserts
报仇+的, 报复, 报复+的, 报复性+的, 报仇, 报应, 报复性, 惩罚
vindicatory, retributive, retributory, retaliatory, relatiative
     of or relating to or having the nature of retribution
13300828-n (1)
报应, 惩罚
retribution, requital
     a justly deserved penalty
反冲, 反撞, 反动, 报应, 弹回, 反冲力, 反撞力, 返回
rebound, backlash, recoil, repercussion
     a movement back from an impact


Seen Lemmas: tajemník; costrutto; augur;
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