Results for « 彩木 » (cmn)
洋 苏木树, 墨水树, 洋苏木, 洋苏木树, 苏仿木, 彩木, 洋 苏木
logwood, logwood tree, campeachy, bloodwood tree, Haematoxylum campechianum
     spiny shrub or small tree of Central America and West Indies having bipinnate leaves and racemes of small bright yellow flowers and yielding a hard brown or brownish-red heartwood used in preparing a black dye ❲Haematoxylum campechianum❳
洋 苏木 心材, 墨水树, 洋苏木, 苏仿木, 洋苏木心材, 彩木, 洋 苏木
     very hard brown to brownish-red heartwood of a logwood tree; used in preparing a purplish red dye


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